There are some people that do not give a second thought to things that they can’t see and how dirty they might be. There are parts of your home and your life that you may not see but can be getting dirt and debris building up. One of these items is the filters in your homes HVAC system, car filters and filters that are in your appliances. You want to make sure you do not overlook these areas since they can have an impact on your health and life. A huge part of your HVAC system is the duct work that is running along the crawl space of your house. The ducts are usually installed and will run from the unit to each and every room. This will allow the cooled or heated air to get in that room and get it to temperature. If the ducts become dirty or damaged the amount of air that is being pushed can diminish or even stop. That is why it is a good idea to know when you need to have them cleaned and what is causing them to become dirty. North Country Aire outlines what is making your air ducts dirty and when to have them cleaned.
Clean House to Get Rid of Dust Floating in Air
The air that is going in your return air is then treated and circulated back into the house. That means that you want to make sure that the air you have is not full of debris and dust if you can eliminate it. If you are not someone that tends to keep up on dusting, vacuuming and other general cleaning then you could be causing your ducts to become dirty. The amount of dirt and dust in the air in your home has a direct correlation on the cleanliness of your air ducts. You want to make sure that you are cleaning as often as you can and keeping up on the dust in your house.
Do Dogs & Cats Make Your House Dirty?
Another reason that your air ducts can be dirtier compared to another home is that you have pets. Pets are always shedding and have dander that is floating in your air. They add to the air quality of the house and not in a good way. You want to make sure that if you have a pet you are even better at keeping the house clean and the pet clean and groomed.
Air Duct Cleaning, Central Air Conditioning Tune Up Maintenance & More in Cambridge, St Francis, Oak Grove, North Branch & Greater Isanti, Minnesota
There are lots of reasons you will want to have your air ducts cleaned and it is a good idea to have it done. This can help to keep your AC running efficiently as well as reduce the amount of dust, dirt and debris in the air. You may start to notice that the home is getting dusty faster than normal or you have renovated a home. These are both reasons to have the air ducts cleaned. You also can have them inspected to see if cleaning them is necessary or when the best time is to have it done. North Country Aire can come out to your house and ensure that your AC unit is running efficiently as well as clean the air ducts. Call us today!